SnapEngage Bot Examples

Support and Service Use Cases

  1. Bot Template #1 Support Triage - Catgorize support requests and handle each differently.

  2. Bot Example #2 Queue Manager - When queue forms, alert visitors and give options. This bot must be placed AFTER your human agent pool (in a higher tier).
    NOTE: this bot won't work as a demo unless:
    A) you add yourself in tier 1
    B) set your status to "online - available for testing"
    C) Set your chat limit to 1 and
    D) take an initial chat to fill up the open slot.

  3. Bot Example #3 Information Collector - If you need some basic info for every case, have a bot gather it before handing off to your team.

  4. Bot Example #4 Offline Message-taking - Use this bot as a backup to your agents to collect information when you are offline. Unlike our old Info Capture Bot, this bot is fully configurable, editable, etc.

  5. Bot Example #5

Sales and Marketing Use Cases

  1. Bot Example #6 Contact form "second chance" - capture a high-intent lead before they click away. Use Incognito window!

  2. Bot Example #7 Qualification and Routing - Ask your visitors a few simple questions to understand their goals and readiness to buy - then route the chat to the right sales team or agent.

  3. Bot Example #8 Appointment Scheduling - ask a few questions and deliver the visitor to an appointment scheduling page.

  4. Bot Example #9 Pre-chat info capture - this is a more conversational way (compared to a form) to capture information from a visitor before you chat with them. Can be used as a proactive bot as well, thus solving the age-old problem of the Proactive Pre-Chat request.

  5. Bot Example #10 Team Router - The most basic guide bot configuration. Route the visitor to the right team.